Seo For Unpublished Or Brand New Sites
This is something a website owner dreads more than almost anything else.
Increase brand awareness and recognition Article writing can also be an important component in your off-page SEO strategy by pointing quality, one-way links to your site. Because articles focus on the reader, not the link itself, these links are much more valuable, especially when you publish your articles on directories with high PageRank. Search engine optimization (SEO) is often about making small modifications to parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results. When it comes to SEO for a brand new website, with a domain authorityof 1, it can be challenging to get results. However, you have one thing going for you: a blank canvas that you can shape any way you want. In time, we have set up a process to help our clients who need to optimize brand new websites get results as quickly as possible.
The task of revamping a website without disrupting the delicate balance of your internet presence.
If 50% of your links are spammy and you’re a brand new site, Google crawlers are going to look at your backlink profile and assume your site is trying to cheat your way to the top. For new webmasters, in particular, it’s critical to pay close attention to every backlink you acquire.
The risks of losing customers, losing website information, and losing the very important search results rankings are very real and can do long-term damage to the bottom line of the business.
However, there are some things you can do to mitigate any potential damage to your business.
1. Monitor Everything
This is the big one. You might make a huge mistake and not realize something is wrong until it’s far too late to do anything much about it—or, at least, not without a massive effort.
You can save yourself a lot of suffering by monitoring everything from the get-go.
The moment you decide to redesign, invest in SEO monitoring tools. You’ll want to keep an eye on all of your key SEO metrics to sniff out signs of a disturbance in the force. Keep tabs on:
- Keyword rankings
- Organic traffic from search engines
- Total number of backlinks
- Domain Authority
- Alexa Global Rank
- Speed
- Spam score
- Trust Flow/Citation Flow
- Safety (free of spam, viruses and malware)
Of course, we’re using (and recommending) the Monitor Backlinks SEO tool for all of the above.
Do Not Work on a Live Website
This is the single most important thing to remember when making changes to your website. Do not do any kind of redesign to your website while it is live.

Either disable the website while you’re making improvements (not recommended, because people who attempt to visit the website will be frustrated), or set up the new website on a separate domain and swap it with the original when ready (this is the recommended method).
When you make changes to a website, it’s often a long process, and mistakes are bound to be made, so it’s easier to not have to deal with the issues of working on a live website.
Match The Structures of the Old and New Websites
Customers like familiarity, so it’s not a good idea to dramatically change the structure of your website when you redesign it. Before you get started on a new design, user a crawler to map out your existing website, how things are laid out, so that you can match the new website with it. Once you’re finished with the redesigned website, crawl the new site to compare its structure to the original site.
Save The Original Website Information
To keep similarity between the old and new websites, create a list of all the pages from the old website. If the URL is going to change for pages in the new website, you need to notify search engines about these changes by using 301 redirects. Failure to do this will damage your rankings and trust with customers, and you will lose organic traffic to your website. You should also save your sitemap of the original website to a text file, for reference later.
Use a Temporary URL for the New Website
This is how you avoid disruption in the transition from the old website to the new one. Set up the new website on a temporary URL, copying your old website to the temporary URL. Then make whatever changes you want. Make sure that you noindex this temporary URL, because you don’t want it to appear in search engine results until you’re ready to make the new website live. Once you’re finished with the new website, you can just switch the domain, and take the new website live.
If you are changing domains with your new website, there are two steps to that process. First, move the old website to the new domain, with 301 redirects. Create your new website, and then launch it on the new domain, with 301 redirects from the old website.
Use 301 Redirections
You must use 301 redirects for every single page in your old website. The 301 redirect tells search engines that the URL of a particular page has changed, and ensures that website visitors can find what they’re looking for. The 301 redirect also ensures that all bookmarks and social media links to the original website will still be working when the new website goes live. When you set up the 301 redirects, make sure each page’s 301 redirect points to the same content on the new website. If that’s not possible for every single page, at least make sure that the content pointed to is similar. Do not just make a general redirect that redirects all the old pages to the new website’s home page. This will just frustrate website visitors.
Use Good 404 Pages
The 404 page not found message is a necessary part of any website redesign, because sometimes pages just get lost in the shuffle or links don’t work. A good 404 page will help the users and search engines find their way back to either the information they’re looking for, or another place within your website. You can make the 404 page both user friendly and search engine friendly by putting a search engine box on the page, along with keeping the menu of the website on the 404 page.
Keep Track of Backlinks
This is something that every website owner fears, losing all those links that they’ve earned. You can collect usage stats of your backlinks, and the ideal way to move those backlinks to your new website is to contact the owners of the most popular backlinks and ask them to change the links so that they point to the new pages. If that’s not possible, then make sure the pages with the rest of your accumulated backlinks have 301 redirects.
Details to Fix Before Going Live
Once you’ve completed the redesign of your website, there are still more details to finish before you can go live. Optimize the new images for SEO, using meta descriptions and compressing images for faster loading. Check the robots.txt to ensure that it’s configured correctly, to allow access for search engine crawlers. If it’s not correctly configured, crawlers can’t read your website. Check the new website for broken links.
Log in to the Google Webmaster tools and make sure the new website is verified. Then use FETCH AS GOOGLE to verify that the new website can be properly read. Use FETCH AND RENDER, then resubmit the website and all its linked URLs to Google through SUBMIT TO INDEX. You should also use a web crawler to map the structure of the new website, to compare it to the original website. The sitemap of your redesigned website should be submitted to search engines, which will help search engines index the new website more quickly.
After the New Website Goes Live
Once the redesigned website is live, you should compare your bounce rates before and after the redesign. An increase in the bounce rate means that users are unhappy about something with the redesign, so you may need to make changes. Continue to monitor your rankings in search results, to look for any improvement or decline. Google suggests a transition period of at least 180 days, during which time you should also keep your old domain name, with 301 redirects.
It’s always difficult to make the transition from your original website to a redesigned version. However, following these suggestions can make the process easier, and can minimize disruption to your business.
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The search engine you used didn’t randomly pick this page out of the sky and send you here hoping it would answer how search engine optimization works. In fact, it used a very complex algorithm to determine which of the more than 21 million pages it has indexed on the subject of SEO would be most appropriate to present to you in hopes of best answering your question.
Search engines know that by consistently delivering you high quality, relevant results for search queries, they’ll begin gaining your trust and hopefully become the only search engine you ever need. If you want to learn more about how SEO works, keep reading, and give us a call at 888-601-5359.
What is SEO and how does SEO work?
Let’s get the formalities out of the way (and answer your question).
SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is a digital marketing strategy that focuses on your website’s presence in search results on search engines like Google. When you understand how SEO works, you can use different tactics to increase your visibility (or how high you rank) in search results.
You can categorize SEO tactics into two buckets:
- On-page SEO: All on-page SEO strategies happen on your website.
- Off-page SEO: All off-page SEO strategies happen off your website.
Both on-page and off-page SEO aim to make your site more friendly, as well as trustworthy, to users and search engines. When search engine crawlers see how friendly your website is to them and users, it increases the chances that your site will rank well for different searches.
For example, say you have two websites: Website A and Website B.
Website A isn’t responsive, which means users on tablets or smartphones will have a tough time navigating and using the site. Website B, however, is responsive, which means a better user experience for tablet, smartphone, and desktop users.
For search engines, it’s an easy decision which website is more friendly: Website A.
Of course, how search engines work is a bit more complicated than that. Today, search engines use more than 200 different factors to generate search results, which means a lot of different elements influence your placement in search results.
Why do search engines care about SEO?
Why on earth does a search engine care if you use them or another search engine? After all, you’re not paying them? That’s right, you aren’t paying them…but someone else is! So the answer to this question is that they care because they make their money from advertising.
The page you are delivered to after you enter a search query is called the search engine results page (aka SERP). The SERP presents you with what are called “organic results” as well as “pay-per-click ads” (or PPC). The organic results are those that are influenced by SEO, while the PPC ads are paid for.
You cannot pay Google or any search engine to occupy any position in the organic results.
However, the ads on the page are how they make their money. So, the better the results they deliver you, the more likely you and others are use that search engine again. The more people using the search engine, the more ads they can show and the more money they can make. Make sense?
Why care about how SEO works?
The Internet has really put the world at our fingertips. We are usually not more than a few clicks away from almost any information we could be looking for. When people are looking for information, services, products, and so on, they go online.
Try to remember the moment you thought, “I should really look up how search engine optimization works.”
You knew exactly what to do: You got on the Internet and you searched for “how SEO works.”
What did you do then?
Odds are you clicked on one of the first few results, at least initially. If you didn’t find a site that met your expectations, you probably clicked the back button and scrolled down the page until you found what you were looking for.
If your site isn’t properly optimized, it’s safe to assume you’re only coming up on the first page for your branded search queries — although depending on the name of your business, that might not even be the case.
That means people who don’t know you exist but are looking for someone like you will never find you, and you’ll never even have a chance to tell them why you’re better than the competition.
That’s right: Without SEO, you’re giving leads away.
The good news is you’re making it really easy on your competitors who are doing SEO. Odds are, they are loving you for not putting up a fight.
So, who cares how search engines deliver results? You definitely should!
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A technical explanation of how SEO works
So now you know why search engines work so hard to provide you with great results and why you should care, we can talk about how SEO works in a little more detail.
Search engines have spiders — not the creepy kind, but the automated robot kind.
These spiders collect all kinds of information about your website and the pages that make up your site. This allows them to easily determine when to serve a searcher a page on your site. They collect things like page speed, title tags, social signals, internal linking, backlinks, and so on.
With over 200 ranking factors used by Google in their algorithm, there are a lot of things to consider, and actions that can be taken to try to optimize a website. There are both on-page and off-page ranking factors that determine how well your site is optimized, and therefore how well it ranks.
The on-page factors are exactly what they sound like: Things that are actually on the page. This includes title tags, content, site speed, page URLs, image alt tags, internal linking, and more. Off-page factors, meanwhile, are almost entirely based on links to your site from other sites.
It’s important to keep in mind that these bots are automated computer programs and not actual humans.
As you might imagine, that means they have some limitations.
They can’t access a website like you or I would because they don’t actually see the website: they crawl the code of the website. This means they can’t see images or videos, nor are they impressed by flashy designs or audio clips.
In fact, they can’t even comprehend content like we do!
You know how SEO works, now make it work for you!
Seo For Unpublished Or Brand New Sites Reviews
Optimizing your website for search engines isn’t an insurmountable task by any means. If you’re a little less technically inclined, you might find it to be challenging, but you can always reach out to a web strategist for help.
Seo For Unpublished Or Brand New Sites Like
WebFX is an SEO agency that has many years of experience optimizing client websites to make them more attractive to search engines. Whether you’re brand new to SEO or want to take your optimization to the next level, we’re eager and willing to help you out!
Get in touch with an SEO expert at WebFX today to discuss how we can optimize your website with a custom SEO plan. We can’t wait to hear from you!